The Storyteller
Halcie Dawn is a happy and blessed wife and mother. She attended the University of Alabama where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. A lifelong avid reader, her love affair with books started with the original The Babysitter’s Club series when she was in the third grade and morphed into a love of all things romantic. After years of thought, she finally placed finger to keyboard and penned her first contemporary romance. When not writing or reading by the swimming pool, she can be found watching true crime documentaries or Psych (for the millionth time). Halcie lives in Alabama with her amazingly wonderful, funny, kind, and handsome husband and son. And she lives next door to her parents, whose antics often have her laughing so hard she pees her pants. But without a doubt, the star of the home is the family morkiepoo, Princess Doodle Fluffybutt.

The Reality Duet
Cover Artist: Murphy Rae
Editor: Allusion Publishing (Elaine York)
ALLUSION GRAPHICS, LLC (allusionpublishing.com)
Formatting: Allusion Publishing (Elaine York)